The future depends on you
Do you feel like you can't change it? You couldn´t be further from the truth. We´ve put together a few steps to start and multiply your efforts to achieve lasting change in your country and in the world.
Get involved as an individual

LEVEL 1: Be in the picture
- Educate yourself about climate change and its solutions.
- Share climate change information from reliable sources.
- Sign a petition for climate and environmental protection.
- Vote for responsible politicians and parties that have climate change agenda among their top priorities.
- Follow organizations, that are dedicated to climate education, sustainable development and environmental protection.
LEVEL 2: Small steps, big changes
- Change your lifestyle and reduce your impact on the environment. Did you know that if the whole world switched to a flexitarian diet,global emissions from food production would drop by 41% .
- Take part in a climate strike.
- Write to your elected representatives and let them know that climate change is an important topic for you.

LEVEL 3: Go one step further
- Support biodiversity: plant trees, leave wild spaces in your garden, create a small pond, a birdhouse or a house for bats, insect hotel, house for hedgehogs, plant a native meadow or create a wetland on your land.
- Support organizations, that are dedicated to climate education, sustainable development and environmental protection.
Affect social change
LEVEL 1: Influence opinions
- Express your opinion, debate with friends and inspire your surroundings.
- Create your own content and educate others..

LEVEL 2: Two heads are better than one
- Join a climate movement, become a volunteer for a relevant organization.
- Organize a climate documentary film screening, discussion with experts or start with a clothes swap. If you want to organize a screening of After Us, the Flood contact
LEVEL 3: Be a climate leader
- Start a green initiative or action group.
If there is no organization in your area that addresses topics which are important to you, then start your own! You will create a new community and space for active people. - Implement your own green project.
To implement your idea, write a project plan and look for an available financial grant. If you can't find a suitable grant, don't despair, new calls open all the time, maybe the right one is waiting around the corner!

From the movie

"By the end of 2005, there were about 1000 m³ of ice in Demänovská Ice Cave. In 2022, it was only 80 m³."

"In 2017, the longest dry period since 1981 was recorded. It took 220 days."

"In the past 40 years, the average annual temperature in Slovakia has risen by 2.5 °C."

"Why is it so hot?" asks a young girl an online application. "It's due to the climate crisis." We don´t have to go to burning Australia or melting Antarctica to find the consequences of the climate crisis. We already feel them in our everyday lives wherever we live. The documentary After Us, The Flood explores the impacts of climate change on people and nature in Slovakia, a small landlocked country in Central Europe. The ice caves of Slovakia are fast melting, long-lasting droughts are destroying the crops and extreme heat threatens people´s health. But that's not all. If we want to avoid the worst-case scenario each of us must answer a simple question: "How do you want to continue?"

topic: Dorota Vlnová
screenplay: Ján Štiffel, Dorota Vlnová
directed by: Dorota Vlnová
dramaturgy: Lenka Moravčíková-Chovanec, Ondrej Starinský / RTVS
cinematography: Michal Fulier
editing: Marek Šulík
sound mixing: Igor Jedinák
music: Samuel Štefanec
animation: Marián Vredík
color corrections and VFX: Erik Oslanec
production: Roman Pivovarník
producers: Barbara Janišová Feglová, Roman Pivovarník / HITCHHIKER Cinema
co-producers: Adrianna Brossmannová, Patrik Gažo / BROZ, Tibor Horváth / RTVS
acting: Tatiana Juhásová, Gabriel Fekete, Zora Karaisová, Pavel Herich, Michal Salák, Jozef Pecho, Jakub Filo, Jozef Oráč, Miroslava Žilinská, Tina Gažovičová, Jakub Huba, Marko Huba
professional cooperation: Jozef Pecho
© HITCHHIKER Cinema, BROZ - Regional Association for Nature Conservation, RTVS – Rozhlas a televízia Slovenska, 2022


year of production: 2022
country of production: Slovak republic
genre: documentary
minutes: 26:33
language: Slovak
subtitles: English
accessibility: universal
image format: 16:9
distribution format: XDCAM HD422, H.264
sound: stereo
resolution: Full HD
producer: HITCHHIKER Cinema
co-producers: BROZ - Regional Association for Nature Conservation | Rozhlas a televízia Slovenska
The media
They written about us – Demänovská ľadová jaskyňa sa topí. Nový slovenský film … – Pochybuješ o klimatickej kríze? Možno ťa presvedčí … – Po nás potopa. Už zajtra v televízii
Ženy v meste – Bežná rodina môže pre riešenie klimatickej zmeny urobiť …
RTVS – Krutá pravda o klimatickej kríze. Zostane po nás potopa? – Najťažšie bolo vykresliť dôsledky klimatickej zmeny u nás …
SME – Demänovská ľadová jaskyňa sa topí. Dokument ukazuje, ako …
Refresher – Po nás potopa. Slovenský dokument opisuje rozsah klimatickej …